A review by elistar
Feed by Mira Grant


I LOVED Feed. It was unlike anything I've ever read before, zombie or not. In Feed , the world has been plagued by an infection brought on by the combination of untested cures for the common cold and cancer. The illness turned its victims into zombies and the ensuing madness and resultant reorganization of society and government is what this book is about.

Feed follows the story of a trio of young journalists who blog about their experiences in the zombie-infested world (hence the title), and begins when they are selected to follow and report on the campaign of a much beloved presidential candidate.

Crazy things start to happen while they're on the campaign trail that forces them to try and uncover a huge political conspiracy and who is behind it. The story is fast-driven and suspenseful, with plenty of great characters to root for and villains to despise. And on a personal note, as a poli-sci major, this book was absolutely fascinating for me to read. Mira Grant took the current American political process and placed it in a dystopian setting, AND IT STILL WORKS. I was totally floored by this. Kudos to you, Ms. Grant.

Not only is the plot and timing perfection, but the characters - the characters are SO wonderful. The interaction between Georgia, the narrator, and her brother Shaun makes the whole book worthwhile alone. My only tiny, baby complaint is that at times the safety procedure descriptions were a little long and repetitive - I get why they are necessary, but after a while I got tired of reading about the same process over and over again.

And, I will admit it, I actually teared up at the end of this book. At the END OF A ZOMBIE BOOK, you guys! The character development was THAT good.

Highly recommend to anyone who likes fiction.