A review by sashastorylover
One by Brenda Murphy


I wanted to read One for three reasons 1) f/f romance, 2) Italy, 3) motorcycles and how does the book deliver!

I enjoyed reading the story a lot! The writing is very engaging 3rd person pov, it's well-paced and truly interesting to read.
The protagonist is 40 year old army vet Mac, she's Black-Irish lesbian and a USA citizen. During her flight to Italy, where she's going to see Formula One race, she meets gorgeous woman and the romance happens. The love interest is engineer and designer Lana, a rich Italian 41 year old woman. Lana and Mac both passionate about cars, motorcycles, engines and Formula One. They bond over it, they have great chemistry together. I appreciate open communication between them. Also I rarely read stories about 40 years old queer people, so it was exciting.

Mac has PTSD, several scars and she lost her breast during service. The novel has several scenes of her waking up from nightmares, being wary of crowds and talking about her service and her worries with Lana. A lot of Mac's worries are caused by her low self-esteem and the regular angst of romance novels is mostly costed by her insecurities.

The novel is rich in sex scenes, I loved them! They are well-written and very emotional. I do have a small criticism. I wish there were either a little less of them or a little more of the plot outside of the romance. The novel is very characters-driven and their dynamics is the key to the story, but I wish we could see more of Italy or Lana's work place.

All in all, I'm very happy I got recommended this novel and decided to try it out. It's so worth reading. I'm bumped there're so few reviews on goodreads.

Sapphicathon Bingo: Book 6: Under 500 ratings on Goodreads & QWOC MC & Disabled MC

Content warning: PTSD, scars, homophobic relatives