A review by beccajbooks
The Legacy by Yrsa Sigurðardóttir


This was the first book from this author that I've read and oh my goodness was it fantastic! Really really really loved it! I'm so glad I took a chance on this and just went in blind, with no prior knowledge of her work.

The story follows an investigation into the death of a mother-of-three, who has been brutally killed in her home in Reykjavik, Iceland. The way she has been killed is, by anyone's standards, overly grotesque and unnecessary. The case lands on recently promoted detective Huldar's desk and it is his chance to prove to his superiors what he is capable of. 

The only witness to the crime is the woman's little girl, who was hiding under her mother's bed when the crime took place. Huldar must keep her safe, and get as much information from her as possible to catch the killer. 

I absolutely loved this book. The translation is fantastically written and I couldn't stop myself from reading on and on, past my bed time! Every page had so much, and I had to keep turning to see what was next. Constant excitement and suspense all the way through. I really cannot recommend this book enough and I can't wait to get my hands on the next instalment in the series. 

Definitely worth being stuck indoors indefinitely for (for when I read this review back in the future, it is Coronavirus quarantine time). 
