A review by itslaurakatarina
Dark Side of the Moon by Rachel Jonas


This is one hell of a rollercoaster. There’s everything in this book; a fading love triangle, family drama and revelations, heart wrenching shocks, and a complete character 180. Book 2 definitely makes us feel like we know Evangeline and Liam better (possibly serves as a better introduction than the first book) and I’m totally rooting for them. Evie was left so broken at the ending of the previous book that it’s hard to see how she will pick herself up from this. Locked in a bunker with the one person who’s fated to kill her and the one person sworn to protect her, this is one hell of a bumpy ride. I liked the perspective of Liam being introduced, it gave us a lot more of an insight into him and not just the good looking brute he’s portrayed as in the first book.

Now, Nick? I could not stand him in this book. I felt like he was a bratty kid not getting his own way so he goes out of his way to mess things up and poor Roz suffered the brunt of it. He’s temperamental with no self control, a complete 180 from his caring persona in the first book. Is it the Liberator coming out in him or is he just bitter because Evie chose Liam? I guess we’ll wait for Book 3. But, at the same time, it’s evoking such a strong emotion in me that I can’t help but read on. Even though I hate him, I don’t hate the story. He’s gone from a protagonist to my antagonist and it’s awesome to read.

My only complaint is I felt the ending was rushed. In the last 3 short chapters we get a tsunami of revelations that really could have been spanned out a bit. I’d love to have read some of the fallout (although I guess that’s what book 3 is). I feel like it was a rush to tie up lingering questions and create new ones which makes for confusing reading.

All in all I absolutely adored this book. Some people say it’s boring and 60% of it is filler, and I can see that. If you’re not into the characters this can seem like a bit of a drag but for anyone who’s invested in the characters and enjoy the background setting, this is perfect. We really get to know each and every character, even the smaller ones and some of them really start showing their true colours.