A review by pippajay
Greenshift by Heidi Ruby Miller, Dana Marton


The good:
Again, I loved the world building in this, the attention to detail and the portrayal of the characters. Heidi has a talent for making them so real. The writing is flawless and descriptive, and all the premises and reactions believable and consistent. The bad guys completely gave me the creeps, and I'm glad the torture scenes weren't more detailed - there was enough there for you to use your imagination, should you wish.

The bad:
The only reason I've rated this a touch lower than Ambasadora is because I felt the events in Greenshift hadn't carried over into the relationship in Ambasadora. I know they were written in reverse and that Ambasadora focuses on Sara Mendoza and Sean Cryer, but I felt there maybe should have been a line or two considering Greenshift takes place only a month before Ambasadora. Pure nit-picking - sorry!

In sum:
While I still prefer Ambasadora, this is a great addition to the library of any sfr fan.