A review by kellyb
The Magicians by Lev Grossman


It amazed me how much of this book I did not even remember a little bit upon re-reading it. There were times when Quentin got a little too emo for me, and I totally love emo, but in general this was a wonderful story. Given how much of this book I forgot, I really look forward to re-reading [b:The Magician King|10079321|The Magician King (The Magicians, #2)|Lev Grossman|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1316177353s/10079321.jpg|13362064] before I can finally get around to [b:The Magician's Land|19103097|The Magician's Land (The Magicians, #3)|Lev Grossman|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1386012841s/19103097.jpg|24330801].