A review by littlebirdbooks
Waiting for Doggo by Mark B. Mills


I received a copy of this book from bookbridgr. The book’s premise intrigued me so I wanted to start it as soon as possible. I started the book on my commute into work and finished it on my way home.

Waiting for Doggo follows Daniel and his dog, Doggo. The novel opens with a letter from Clara, Daniel’s now ex-girlfriend, leaving Daniel and Doggo (who is possibly the most ugly dog anyone has ever seen) behind as she seeks a new life elsewhere. Despite his looks and indifference towards Daniel, Doggo becomes a fixture in his life going everywhere with him… Even to work.

I liked the characters in the novel, Daniel was an interesting protagonist. I liked his personality and I found him funny. Although I didn’t find him anything out of the ordinary apart from when he was doing things at work. Edie was a slightly eccentric character, and I enjoyed seeing her and Daniel interact. At times it felt like there were too many under developed characters in such a short book. I would have liked to have seen more of certain characters.

The plot was fairly simple and straightforward with hardly any surprises. However, I liked that it was like this, although there wasn’t a great deal going on all the time I never felt bored and happily kept turning the pages. The novel would have been even better had it been longer. The plot felt like it had more potential and could have developed into something deeper. There were a couple of surprises, one I found rather amusing, but other than that not much happened.

Mills’ writing is easygoing and humorous, which I really enjoyed on my way to work. I did like the story and the writing, I just wanted something a little more from the novel. However, because the title of the book is Waiting for Doggo the fact that certain things aren’t explained and some events are left to the readers imagination is a nice subtle nod to Beckett’s Waiting for Godot, which I can appreciate.

Overall I liked Waiting for Doggo and it made my daily commute more enjoyable. This lighthearted read made a nice change from what I have been reading. Again, I would have liked a longer novel but part of the charm of the book is its shortness and mystery.