A review by blueperbloop
Beat the Reaper by Josh Bazell


I really, really enjoyed this book! I finished it in about 24 hours. The story was engaging and interesting. But, there are two things I didn't like...obviously not enough to NOT give it 4 stars.

1) I've never been a big fan of switching between current day and the past over and over again. It breaks me out of the little world that I've put myself in and makes the story go more in fits and starts than fluidly. Maybe that's just me.

2) It was a little more gruesome than it probably needed to be in places. But again, I'm sure that's just me.

Other than that, I absolutely loved the story and I loved the author's use of wit and humor. And basically...the main character, Peter Brown, is a badass! :o)

Looking forward to the next one in February!