A review by bioniclib
Murder Must Advertise by Dorothy L. Sayers


This was my first Lord Peter Wimsey novel. Ms. Sayers was writing in the early 20th century and makes it clear that fellow mystery giants such as Doyle and Christie were writers she respected. Even if Wimsey isn't as strong a character as Holmes or Poirot, he's still quite entertaining.

This tale has Wimsey infiltrating an ad agency in search of a the man (or woman) who murdered a worker there. The murder leads to a dope ring, which I was surprised to hear about given that the book was written in 1933. At times the slang made it tough to read because I struggled to figure out what the hell, or wot the 'ell, they were saying.

All-in-all a good if not great read. I'd go back for another one of the Wimsey novels.