A review by andrew61
The Parcel by Anosh Irani


It is difficult to describe the experience of reading this book which in one breath exposes the worst of humanity whilst on the other the author leaves a very small window of hope in the individual. The book in its themes deals with kidnapping and trafficking of young girls for prostitution and the narrator of the story is Madhu ,a Hijra ( eunuch) , who from adolescence has found her way into a Mumbai brothel but is called upon to tame the parcels as they arrive terrified in their new Mumbai 'home' .
The book is terrifying and at times the depiction of brutality to children was difficult to cope with but as it is a story based on reality it felt necessary to complete. Madhu is however a wonderfully drawn character as are the stories of those around her and but for the horror I was completely absorbed in her tale.
A brave book and one that I am glad I read although it left me sad at the end about the inhumanity exposed. The small chink of light ultimately did not resolve the ultimate despair and with a word of caution that the themes will may not be ones that every reader will want to face.