A review by familywithbooks
Time Off for Good Behavior by Lani Diane Rich


I bought this book on a whim when browsing the clearance racks. I always am looking for a new twist on chick lit, and in reading the back of the book I thought "I never read a book about THAT before!"

The first thing that grabbed me was the author's acknowledgements. Discovering that she wrote the first draft of this book during NaNoWriMo inspired me to join in this year (I've always wanted to but make excuses every time). The part that really grabbed me and made me start reading the book though was when she thanked the readers. "You may not realize it, but every time you read a book, you're validating every author who ever thought up a story and, despite the overwhelming odds, said, "I'm gonna give this a shot."" Awwww - you sucked me in!

The story idea is definitely original to me and it grabbed and kept my attention through the whole book. It is a quick read. I could connect somewhat with the main character, Wanda, because I too keep trying to "do something meaningful." Here's hoping I'll figure out what that is.