A review by worldlibraries
The Tiger Who Came to Tea by Judith Kerr


I picked up this book to read after hearing the BBC interview the author on BBC Book Club. I had never heard of her before but found her interesting and charming in her interview. However, I am completely mystified about this book and why it is popular.

'The Tiger Who Came to Tea' was obviously written before 'Stranger Danger' and exercising caution in opening the door was a common lesson taught to children. The Mum concludes that whomever is at the door can't be someone they are expecting, yet sends her child to the door to see who it is anyway. Upon learning it is a tiger Mum says, 'sure, come on in.'

The tiger proceeds to eat everything in the fridge and cupboard and drink all of the water, milk, orange juice, and beer in the house. After running through the family's pantry and stores of food, Mum and daughter tell Dad how they let the tiger in and the tiger ate everything. Dad says, 'No problem, let's just go out to eat.' What?

I think this is a book that should be retired. I don't get it. Geez, if a tiger tried to do that in the gun culture of today's America, he'd get shot!