A review by emerrick
The Girl in 6E by A.R. Torre


Probably closer to 3.5 in rating

This was fun! It kept me hooked and I read it within two days. Definitely has strong Dexter vibes- a main character with strong homicidal tendencies who tries to take it out on someone who deserves it.
Deanna was an interesting character and I liked hearing her internal thoughts-even when they became very repetitive at times. The main plot however takes its sweet time to actually unfold and then is wrapped up very conveniently.
The romance is very strange in my opinion. It kind of comes out of nowhere with no real build up, and I was not really feeling it.
Overall I think the best way to enjoy this story is to not think to hard about it.

Worth noting this book is considered an erotic thriller and her cam sessions take up a large portion of the beginning of the book- so if that's not your jam maybe skip entirely.