A review by rosalindamg
Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom, by John J. Evans, B.K.S. Iyengar, Douglas Abrams


I've been a "yogi" for some years now and this book was just perfect 70% through. I'm sure the other 30% is too. Iyengar is a master. An example. I kept highlighting parts of the book and wishing my level of conscience could one day be at even 5% compared to BK Iyengar. As a yogi who is looking for the holistic experience and not just to sweat while bending like a pretzel I appreciate all he has to say.

He however lost me at the end. I'm just not there yet.

I strive for samadhi, but I'm still just trying to not do bad and (sometimes) do good. Easier said than done.

I will be using this book as a reference (just like light in yoga) and hope one day I get it.