A review by queensflame
Last Descendants by Matthew J. Kirby


First off I would like to thank the publisher, Scholastic Inc, and hug you guys a million times for approving me for this ARC. I am a HUGE huge Assassin’s Creed fan. I love the games, I want an AC tattoo, like this is serious everyone. So when the book arrived at my doorstep I literally jumped around in excitement. And let me tell you, I was not at all disappointed.

I won’t lie, I WAS a bit skeptical about this book, a start to a YA AC series. The video game is just so well done, and so beautifully intricate and crafted with the mingling history and plot line that I wasn’t sure the book could live up to that. However, it definitely did.

Before I start gushing over how amazing this book was, I would like to say a few things that may creep out/push away readers who are not familiar with Assassin’s Creed.

I feel like this book only somewhat describes the history behind the Templars (who they were), the Assassin’s (who they are) that the video game goes into some more depth about. There’s really no explanation as to why they do what they do, more about their societies, so you’re kinda almost like why should I care? So all I can say is that I HOPE more is described about the Templars & the Assassin’s Brotherhood and especially where the “Pieces of Eden” come from. I still HIGHLY recommend this book to people who haven’t played the video game as it’s definitely an intriguing idea that Ubisoft has created.

The second thing was that there was how exactly these fifteen year olds get introduced to the animus. There is a tech guy working at their school who takes kids to his trailer to let them into the animus (the animus is where they go into their ancestors memories. like I said it’s super complicated). But yeah, this screamed a bit pedophile to me and I almost hope it doesn’t push away new readers. Things like this happen. Main character meets stranger in creepy place and yeah. Haha.

Alright now onto the actual review of the book. Last Descendants follows Owen, a young fifteen year old just trying to find the truth about his father’s arrest & death. He ends up trying to find answers through Monroe, the tech guy, who brings him into the animus, into the world of assassin’s and templars, and they try and find a dagger which they need to make sure doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.

Plot-wise, I felt that the beginning of the book was a little slow. After reading though, it was important so that non-video game players can get introduced to the world a little more and understand how everything works. However, as a player of the video game, I kept asking “when are we going into the animus to see these kid’s bad-ass ancestors??” When it finally happened though, it was exciting.

More characters were introduced later on, and let me tell you this is one diverse book and I absolutely LOVE that the author did this. We have Owen and Javier, Grace and her brother David (who are African American), Natalya (I believe she’s from Kazakhstan), and Sean who is disabled. Plus, one of these happens to be part of LGBTQ+. I won’t tell you who as it was a surprise (not for me, but it was supposed to be):). We’ve got a very diverse cast, with each and everyone of them having a unique personality. I love them all and desperately want to know more about them and more of their ancestors.

This series has a historical background, taking place right during the draft riots of 1863 when the kids go into their ancestor’s memories and live out what happened to them in the past to try and find this Piece of Eden. The Piece of Eden is a relic from the times before humans when gods ruled the world. They’re magical and can be used for the wrong reasons when in the wrong person’s hands. I loved the history, I love that the AC creators always tie fictional events to historical events. It makes it all seem real, even though it never actually happened.

Each and every one of the characters POVs interact in this animus and I loved watching everything unfold. My favorite part was the end though, when more information comes out about the piece of eden and how it’s only a piece of a bigger weapon. It sets up the plot for the next few books and I am BEYOND excited to keep reading.

It was a thrilling book in which once I hit a certain point I did not want to put it down. The plot thickened, more and more information. You’re never sure who to trust (cough trust the Assassin’s), who’s right, who’s wrong. It messes with your head but you fall for the characters and this first novel in this gripping series pulls you in making you craving the rest of the series. This is a wonderful series of those who like historical fiction, who like the present tying into the past, historical fantasy…it’s just an interesting world and I honestly loved every second spent reading this book.

Thank you again Scholastic for giving me the chance to read, and I will definitely be buying the finished copy & continuing this series. If you love Assassin’s Creed and young adult books, pick this up when it comes out on August 30, 2016 everyone!!