A review by canadianbookworm
Blood Always Tells by Hilary Davidson


This mystery thriller is a stand alone novel. As it begins Dominique Monaghan, a model turned stylist, has reconnected with an ex-boyfriend that she feels had wronged her. She has plans to get even, but are those plans really her own, or was she influenced by someone with their own agenda? As the evening begins to go horribly wrong and she finds herself the victim of a kidnapping, she begins to question her boyfriend's actions and realize that she is in over her head. She calls the one person she always turns to when things go really wrong, her big brother Desmond Edgars.
Desmond has his own issues, particularly with relationships, but he loves his sister dearly and drops his plans to come to her aid. But he too finds that things are not clear, and with only the small bits of information that Dominique told him on the phone and his own observations and gut feeling, he must convince the police that there is more to the story than what appears to them, and that they must dig into the past as well as looking at those current players to find out the whole story.
There are three families whose lives cross here, and each has their own issues and enemies.
This story has multiple plotlines, intermingling with each other, great characters, and enough action to keep you reading long past your bedtime. I am always pleased with Davidson's work, and this one is no exception.