A review by vickiann914
Kissed by the Rain by Maria Poglitsch Bauer, Claudia Winter


What I liked:
-The flirty banter between Josefine and Aidan
-The growth multiple characters had
-Josefine’s family legend

What I Didn’t like:
-The cheating trope!!! I hate hate hate this. Completely unnecessary and stains a character.
-Josefine is a lawyer, but somehow is unable to maintain a cool composure when it’s appropriate to do so. This happens multiple times throughout the story line.
-The time frame makes laughably unrealistic.

Overall, it wasn’t bad. Most of what I didn’t like are purely personal preference, however, the cheating trope ruins books for me. That alone lowers a books rating. I wouldn’t read again or even suggest, that is unless you enjoy protagonists who constantly are rude to others and make extremely poor life choices with hardly any redeeming qualities. Honestly, Aidan deserves someone better.