A review by bundy23
All Flesh is Grass by Clifford D. Simak


There’s a while lot going on here; an invisible dome, aliens invading earth in the form of weeds, various alternate earths, morbid time travelling tourists, and to combat all that the human race only has a very average hero named Brad that never really seem in too much of a hurry.

For a sci-fi “classic” this is a little bit light on the science but Brad’s pretty likeable when he’s not flying off the handle and assaulting his former bully or being a bit sexist...

”She was like any other woman. She asked the damndest questions.”

He’s also quite pessimistic...

They would fail. We would always fail. We weren’t built to do anything but fail. We had the wrong kind of motives and we couldn’t change them. We had a built-in short-sightedness and an inherent selfishness and a self-concern that made it impossible to step out of the little human rut we traveled…

...but how can anyone not be a pessimist when it comes to the nature of our political leaders?

Despite a strong build up towards the end I felt a bit let down by the final page but overall I’d still recommend it.