A review by charmaineac
The Night We Said Yes by Lauren Gibaldi


Such an adorable story! If we only saw that first night, the insta-love would've felt lacklustre. But thankfully, we got to see the night a year later. We got to see them run through all their old haunts in town. We get to hear about the time in between everything, six good and six bad. Those parts were my favourite.

By the end, I felt the invincibility of youth. I'm not sure whether to quote the infamous, "In that moment, we were infinite" or go with some Nicki Minaj, "The night is still young and so are we." Both seem absolutely appropriate. This story shares insight into a time in life when people want to hit "pause" and remember all the good times.

My only qualm was the overreactions and over-dramatizations at certain points. If this book were a movie, it might be an overacted Disney flick. Oops.

I have a feeling that there might be some strain a few months later while they're at different colleges and finding out the world is so, so big. I kind of want to see them go through that. Even if they one day grow apart, even if they don't end up getting married or anything (being realistic here), I feel like their experiences are the kind to fondly look back on in the future.

I seriously don't know why this story makes me want to litter my review with a ton of lyrics (maybe it was the oh-so-appropriate 21 Guns?), but...

"Young love is such dumb love, call it what you want it was still enough."