A review by foxholebookcourt
The Lightning-Struck Heart by TJ Klune


The Lightning-Struck Heart by TJ Klune
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5

"Good-bye, self-esteem and fuzzy feelings. It was so nice to make your acquaintance."

Binge reading this book in a day made it feel like a fever dream if I have to be honest. And I loved every minute of it. Not only did it manage to make me laugh like no other book has ever done before, it actually even got me super invested in the story and the romance, even if it read as if Klune wrote it while he was high.

I’m not going to try and like, write a serious review about this. Even though the book itself had some more serious elements. The reason why I loved it so much was because of Klune's excellent skills in writing hilarious dialogue, somehow managing at the same time to construct a fairly decent world, make me ship the main couple so hard while giving it to me in the form of a slow burn AND (as if all that was not enough), he also managed to add some angst into the mix. I'd missed binge reading series I genuinely like and not just reading the books to get them out of my TBR.

Not to mention that, the way TJ Klune wrote this, made it feel as if he was mocking the standardised fantasy genre and I’m all here for it. This was more of a parody and yet, it still managed to make me more invested than the regular fantasy novels out there.

Our protagonist, aka Sam of the Wilds? Amazing. Precious, soft cinnamon roll. Since it was in the first POV, it was essential to actually like the protagonist, and I actually loved him. I loved reading his perspective because he was hilarious, horny and a romantic, all at the same time. The rest of the cast of characters was also TOP NOTCH, I never thought I would actually enjoy also reading about a hornless talking unicorn, and yet I did.

A wild ride. Not sure if I would recommend it to everyone – I’m aware this kind of humour is not for everyone – but definitely give it a try if you are looking for a laugh and you don’t minding the book being *really* mature.

"I glanced back at my merry little band of travelers. A hornless gay unicorn. A half-giant. A knight who was a jerk but that I wanted to have for breakfast."