A review by jade_3
Sleepwalking by Meg Wolitzer


This one is more like 3 1/2 but ill round up to 4 because i did like the book. When i first heard about it i knew i had to read it. The whole dead poets thing really interests me and i myself have always admired Sylvia Plath, Virginia Woolf and the like. I know its kind of morbid but the way they kinda battled their demons out in the open and with writing published to the public captured my interest. Then the fact that they took their life in the most tragic ways was something that made me look at their work differently. This alone made the book a good read for me. Trying to understand who you are is something i think we can all relate to and her journey was interesting to read. It was a little dense at parts but it was also really easy to get through because in the end i did care for her and where she ended up.