A review by spacecomics
Planet of No Return by Harry Harrison


Planet of No Return is difficult for me to rate; on the one hand it reads like a page-turner, but on the other it's riddled with inconsistencies and awkward sentences which destroy the suspension of disbelief necessary for good science fiction. In one spot they open their last ration; then later on one of the characters is eating more rations and getting tired of them. In one scene they decide they should travel in daylight because the enemy alien machines can see them just as well in the dark; later on when approaching the alien machines he sticks to the shadows "for cover." At least a half dozen more like that, as if Harrison hadn't read his own previous chapters (but sometimes these discrepancies occur within the same page). It was suspenseful enough to keep me reading though. I enjoyed Stainless Steel Rat decades ago and did not notice any such problems with that.