A review by mikekaz
The Beloved by J.F. Gonzalez


After a couple of books that I couldn't quite get sucked into completely, THE BELOVED was just what I needed. Something that pulled me in and wouldn't let go until I finished it. It took me a couple of extended marathon reading sessions to devour it but I was very pleased and satisfied.

The story follows a Ronnie Baker and his sister Elizabeth. Ronnie is out of a divorce and relatively new to the dating scene when he meets Diana via an online dating site. The two hits things off and he ends up quickly moving her and her two children, along with his own daughter, to a house in his hometown. However, Elizabeth doesn't like her brother's new girlfriend and senses that something is wrong. The story alternates between the two characters until suddenly there is more evidence as to what is really going on.

As I mentioned at the start, I was immersed into the novel and could hardly put it down. As a reader, I knew what was really happening but it was still engrossing to watch it unfold and affect all the characters. The richness of the characters really helped to keep me involved with what was happening and kept the pages turning. My only complaint was that Gregg, Elizabeth's husband, was a bit two-dimensional in the first half of the novel. Considering what an important character he was during the second half, I would have liked for him to be fleshed out a bit earlier. A minor complaint really. Considering the emotions that the novel invoked and the uneasiness that it left, Gonzalez did a great job!