A review by lorien13
Want by Cindy Pon


Want is a brilliant sci-fi about a world that we refuse to work on cleaning up. The rich and powerful are so lost in their own world that ours is a complete mess. There's no more blue sky, no more seeing the horizon, no more seeing stars at night (that alone KILLS me). We don't focus on taking care of our earth and the result is short life spans for the poor, and frickin Darth Vader suits for the rich.

Zhou is our main character and when his best friend's mom is murdered he and his friends are determined to find out who did it and bring them down, and maybe save the world too. The plan is simple: infiltrate the upper class or yous (pronounced yo) and destroy the factory where the suits are powered. And to do so is connect with the daughter of the manufacturer, Daiyu Jin.

It's brilliant and beautiful and I was spellbound, hoping to see how Zhou and his friends made it through to the end, if they even could at all. I loved how Daiyu and Zhou connected and their relationship didn't feel fake or rushed at all, nice and slow and wonderful.

If you haven't picked this book up, I implore you to do so. Not only is it a fun and awesome story, it's a look at a very bleak, and very possible future that I most certainly DON'T want.