A review by novelesque_life
Love Sense: The Revolutionary New Science of Romantic Relationships by Sue Johnson


(Review Not on Blog)

(I am working on a writing project on dating, love, romance, self confidence, creativity and self love. Currently, I am reading and researching the topics. The books I am reading for this I will also be reviewing, but may not discuss the project in the review.)

My therapist recommended this author to me, but I could not get my hand on the title she recommended. I decided to try this one and wow. Johnson takes common sense, psychology and examples to give her audience a clear understanding of the science behind romantic relationships. She believes that humans are meant to mate for life, and this was refreshing to read. To better understand this concept we must look at the relations we have formed in childhood. The type of love that will last is the secure love. Even if this is not accomplished in childhood, we can achieve it as adults if we are willing to do the work. It looks at the three stages of love and how as a couple you can make through. With scientific research to back up the theories, I think this is a great book for any one looking for secure love.