A review by bookswithonno
How to Save a Life by Liz Fenton, Lisa Steinke


I really wanted to love this book but it just wasn't for me. For starters, the main character, Dom, is very unlikable. He's this really boring guy that is obsessed with his ex, Mia, in an unhealthy way. I didn't really get what made their relationship that amazing for Dom to wildly obsess about it. Further, I found a flaw in the time loop that will hopefully be fixed before the release date. (Spoiler!). One Thursday Dom goes out to buy ingredients for chicken soup and then the next Thursday he wakes up and immediately makes chicken soup? Shouldn't he go to the supermarket first on this Thursday as well? Even though this book was not for me, I did really like the ending and I would still recommend the book to fans of the '''Groundhog Day'' movie. I wish I liked this book but unfortunately, the book didn't move me at all :(

Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for providing me with an E-ARC in exchange for an honest review.