A review by apostrophen
In the Language of Love: A Novel in 100 Chapters by Diane Schoemperlen


I quite liked this. The language was pretty and the short-prose format was intriguing, and perfect for digesting on my bus rides to and from work.

The inconsistent time-frame of the story was actually something I enjoyed - almost a mystery, with bits and pieces being revealed later that had impact earlier. It was interesting.

The major qualm I had with the book was the ending - why end the book with that particular word, and prose. It didn't make sense to me.

The characterizations were good (and the little touches were quite nice - such as every reference to Toronto being followed by (that Evil City).), and the characters were mostly the sort one empathized with.

Thanks for introducing me to this title - I would never have gotten this on my own, Jenny-Lou-Who!