A review by __allison__
Breathless by Jessica Warman


I really enjoyed this book.

This is probably my last read for 2021 and I'm okay with that.

So, in Breathless, our protagonist is Katie Kitrell. Katie is a 15 year old girl whom is sent off to a boarding school after a horrible tragedy. There, she meets Estella, Lindsey, Drew, and Mazzie.
I loved Mazzie so much. She was definitely my favorite character. She was funny, serious, and just an overall good friend to Katie.
I did cry at the end so beware.
I loved watching Katie go through her first love, first heartbreak, and so much more.
As the book progresses, Katie is a sophomore, junior, and a senior. You watch as the people around her become her family.

I highly suggest this book for an amazing, never boring, read.