A review by katekate_reads_
Keep You Close by Karen Cleveland


How well do you really know the people you love the most? And what would you do to protect them? Those questions are at the core of Keep You Close - the second thriller by Karen Cleveland. I love books that challenge me to think about these things.

For a very brief plot summary - Stephanie Maddox is the head of Internal Investigations for the FBI. She is also a single mother to a 17 year old son who is anxiously waiting for college acceptance levels. When cleaning his room, she comes across a hidden gun. And then an FBI agent on the domestic terrorism squad shows up at her door with some questions about her son...how well does she really know him?

Last year, the author’s debut novel Need to Know was one of my favorite books so I came into this with high expectations. There were a lot of things I loved - it was a fast paced pageturner that really drew me in and I read it in one day. It felt a lot like watching great episodes of Alias or 24 - those heart-pounding moments when you are rooting for our main character to find the solution and stay ahead of the bad guys!

No spoilers - but I was disappointed in the ending. I wish there had been more. I am still really excited to read whatever the author writes next - I love a thriller that gets my heart racing!

Thank you very much to Netgalley and Ballantine for the free review copy in exchange for my honest review.