A review by booksandchicks
When a Crocodile Eats the Sun: A Memoir of Africa by Peter Godwin


I started out enjoying this memoir of a white guy that is from Zimbabwe, now lives in new York, but goes back frequently to visit his parents, taking place from 1998-2004. In 2000 Mugabe planned to eradicate Zimbabwe of all whites, ripping their farms, homes and livelihood from them. The book is about this. Amazing how unaware we are to the tragedies of others in our world! It was good to learn about Mugabe and life in Zimbabwe. But then. The book started to turn towards a biography almost of his parents. They chose to stay and deal with the harsh opposition. I got a little bored hearing the many conversations between him and his parents. I wish there had been more political information towards the end instead of his personal family story. Overall, decent.