A review by mads95
Dig by A.S. King


I have mixed feelings towards this.

I really enjoyed the story telling. The multi-points of view and nameless characters really kept me wanting to read more to see how they were all connected. I think my problem with it is where she was telling instead of showing.

She did a great job of showing throughout all the generational problems, the trauma, the obvious mental health issues most the characters were suffering from, the mystery, but when she got to the race issues she just told us, and it was so very on-the-nose. There was unique storytelling of the other themes and issues based on the characters experiences and perspectives. But there was no one to offer their actual experience of racism, just the white characters feeling guilty for their families hateful thoughts and opinions. Yet it seemed like that was supposed to be the most important message.

I'm not going to pretend I know the right way to talk about race and racism and the reality of it. Its important. But it just seems like the approach and execution could have been a lot better.
She places a lot of blame, and while I get that's kind of her point and she meant it to be "uncomfortable" she offers no action to the reader other than to be less of a shitty person.

Overall I enjoyed the story, but the more I reflect on it the more I find things I didn't like.