A review by somanybookstoread
Skinny Bitch: A No-Nonsense, Tough-Love Guide for Savvy Girls Who Want to Stop Eating Crap and Start Looking Fabulous! by Kim Barnouin, Rory Freedman


I didn't have high expectations for this book because the title made it sound mainstream and shallow, like another book about another diet fad. But, I was given a free copy and I've been on a health and well-being reading kick while I put in my time on the elliptical, so I gave this little book a shot.

Since I gave it a rare five-star rating, needless to say I was pleasantly surprised. The authors use a voice that sells (#1 NYT Bestseller type sales!) to talk about not only how to cultivate a healthier lifestyle, but also to tackle the grim realities of the food industry. I laughed out loud often. As a writer, I have a lot of respect for the authors' abilities to get creative with their angle in order to shed light on topics most Americans want to conveniently ignore. I loved it!