A review by hazellie
One Big Thing: Discovering What You Were Born to Do by Phil Howard Cooke


Listened on audiobook.

There was a lot of talk, talk, talk, but no substance. He gave a lot of examples of people who made it and people who didn't, but there was no relevance to that one big thing we're supposed to know for ourselves.

He keeps talking about how hard it is to make it in the world so we should have a one big thing, but it doesn't make sense, because a lot of examples he gave of people who did well, they didn't have a one big thing. I get confused about what I'm really listening to, because he says, let's talk about apples, and then he starts talking about oranges.

I have no idea what he's trying to get at, and it feels like he's just blowing hot air. I've seen a few videos of people like that. They're good speakers, as in, they speak confidently in good English, in front of an audience, and the audience think that these speakers know what they're talking about, just because they have confidence. But confidence does not equal knowledge or wisdom.

It's dangerous to listen to people like that, because they have no idea what they're talking about and they end up leading you astray. It's like someone coming up to you and saying, "Hey, you should totally jump off that cliff! I know it's scary, but it's an amazing experience and you'll never know just how amazing until you try it!" And you listen to him and jump off that cliff to your death, because he sounds so confident he must know what he's talking about!

Beware these speakers.