A review by read_100_books
White Trash Warlock by David R. Slayton


I had such high hopes for this book and I am sad to say that it fell so, so short of my expectations. The main character of the novel is the only saving grace and that wasn’t enough to keep my interest. Unfortunately this book fell into the trap of trying to do too much, too soon. Give me one book about Adam and his brother, one about his father, and one exploring the Silver/Vic/Adam dynamic. Doing all three in 300 pages resulted in shallow characters and a haphazard plot. I had no emotional connection to any character past the first couple chapters. Honestly it got so bad that I skimmed the last 150 pages.

That being said, I loved Adam and the strong LGBTQ+ representation that you rarely see in Urban Fantasy is incredibly refreshing. Also seeing the Denver area come to life in a novel is delightful. Having been born and raised in Colorado, I couldn’t help but smile anytime they wandered through Downtown or other areas I see on a regular basis.

I love UF and was so excited to pick up a new entry into the genre but this one was close to making it to my DNF pile. Maybe one day I will try book 2 since the first book is usually my least favorite in a series, but we shall see…