A review by nocto
The Blue Place by Nicola Griffith

I've been looking forward to this book, and this author, for a long time as I've heard high praise of them from people I trust to have good taste in stories. And I'd saved the book up for holiday reading so I was almost expecting to be disappointed. I wasn't disappointed.

Griffith brings characters to life in realistic ways, her main character Aud Torvingen is supposed to be quite a cool headed character and could easily have come over as cardboardy even with first person narration to show us the woman inside, and also weaves a pretty decent mystery story around her characters. What I respected most was that the author knew when to stop regaling us with mystery and let the characters get on with doing their own thing, which in this book, was falling in love with each other. The love story could have been really cheesy but instead added depth to characters who were already three dimensional.

Definitely an author I'll try again.