A review by cryleemick
Every Day by David Levithan

Did not finish book. Stopped at 76%.
DNF at 76%.

I really liked the concept. I did. And I liked the way the book started off. But the farther I got the more it rubbed me the wrong way.

The bodies that A inhabited had no say in the things they were doing. Yes, A stopped their self from having sex with Rhiannon but what about everything leading up to that moment? The body they were inhabiting had no say in that. Every time A pulled the body they were in away from their own life to be with Rhiannon they had no say in that.

And then came the things that made me say “Enough”: the horrible fat shaming of Finn. I weigh the same amount as him, and never once have I had trouble walking down aisles or worrying that a chair won’t hold me. A couldn’t even bother to see a shred of decency in Finn.

I was so disappointed because everyone says such great things about David Levithan & he co-wrote one of my favorite books. Now I don’t know if I can ever read that book the same way.

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