A review by rinnyssance
What a Plant Knows: A Field Guide to the Senses by Daniel Chamovitz


This is a cool book if you're into botany or biochemistry. I've been meaning to pick it up for a long time but once Coursera offered a course by the author, I was excited to hear the author's commentary as well as finally get a chance to enjoy the book. I think when the book was initially released, I was excited for a different reason. Now that I'm deep into studying chemistry and biology, I think the mysticism of this book wore off. It didn't make me appreciate the science less, however. I found it quite interesting how plants chemically and physically change based on their surroundings in ways we seldom give them credit for. So I suppose the three stars are more disappointment in myself than in the text. I would recommend this for anybody who is interested in learning about plant biology.