A review by howdidthatbookend
The Corey Effect by Casey Dembowski



Thank you to the author for a complimentary ebook in exchange for an honest review.

I adored Casey’s previous novel When We’re Thirty, so I couldn’t wait to get my hands on The Corey Effect! I read this book on October 3rd, which is the couple's anniversary (and also Mean Girls Day). I'm curious if this is a fun coincidence, or if Casey chose the day before her pub day for their anniversary on purpose!

While I loved this author’s debut, I feel like she knocked it out of the park even further with her sophomore novel. These characters have so much depth, which we learn about through flashbacks to Andi’s past. We know Andi isn’t perfect: the novel opens with a scene where she is having sex with her separated-but-still-technically-married boss. I really enjoyed watching her grow throughout the book as the reason for her estrangement from her father is revealed, as well as her friends’ reasoning for accepting him back into their lives.

The split timeline was a great way to tell this story. Andi and Corey had such a sweet and interesting high school romance. I appreciated that not all the parents were absentee, that in fact Corey’s parents took it upon themselves to step in as would have been realistic.

I loved the nods to When We’re Thirty. For example, Andi’s favorite band is that of the MMC from the previous book. While these two books are complete stand-alones in the same universe, I believe the author mentioned that her third book will tie all of them together.

The Corey Effect features much heavier themes than When We’re Thirty, and I believe that led to an even stronger story. Casey is definitely an author to keep an eye on, and I can’t wait to read her next book!