A review by beachbaby1924
Be My Sinner by A.L. Maruga


I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Rarely does a book leave me speechless, but this is one of them. This book is dark, depraved and demented. There is a long list of trigger warnings with this story, and they are there for a reason. Please heed these warnings. Or, if you think the more trigger warnings the better – then this one is for you!

This story centers around a world that is ruled by a religious order called the Brotherhood of the Sacrament. This world is dark and ugly. It is ruled by men who portray themselves to be the most devout and pious, but they are nothing but false prophets. They are ruthless, greedy and exploit those they see as beneath them in order to live their privileged lifestyle.

Women are looked upon as property. Their only purpose is to breed the next heir or warriors to further the existence of this despicable group. They are expected to be meek, to be demure in all they do. These women are expected to obey their husbands without question, even if that means to be traded and abused by the other high-ranking men of the Order. Their life is of little consequence to these men. If a woman steps out of line, they will forfeit their own life.

Our FMC, Dinah, dares to buck the system. She vows to do all she can to take down the Brotherhood and seek revenge and retribution for the women that have suffered at these monsters hands. She is fierce, strong and a badass!

Sammy, Zeke and Abe are our MMC’s. They are an unlikely threesome but each of these men have played a role in her life and hold a different piece of her heart.

I loved and devoured every single word of this book! The world building was incredible, the plot was captivating, and the spice was oh so delicious! The chemistry between Dinah and her men was off the charts! There is revenge, twists and turns, and betrayal. There were so many times I wanted to throw my Kindle across the room! And that cliffhanger…absolutely heart wrenching!

This is the first book of this series, and I can’t wait to read the rest!