A review by jsedge
It's Like This by Anne O'Gleadra


So...a whole lot of this book is kinda whacked-out-crazy and, seriously, a tad disturbing. And, yeah, by that I am mostly giving the nod toward the sex scenes. But not just the sex scenes. There was WTF-ery all over this story. And, ya know what? It. Was. Brilliant.

Niles, our adorably neurotic narrator, leads us into his relationship with the adorably domineering, Rylan, with the startling revelation that, although they've been together 3yrs, although they act like a couple and everyone knows them to be a couple, he has no frigging clue if they actually are a couple. THREE YEARS! Insane, right? How, even? Yet from Niles' telling of it, I found myself, like, yeah...I get it. Sort of. He has these ques and doubts; he keeps em to himself; time passes and it gets to the point it's too late to address em without sounding like a moron or getting a verbal bashing/ broken heart for the ignorance. So he keeps em shut in and just secretly obsesses.

Communication channels do, of course, open eventually, and that scene was super lovely. Had me all tingly and stuff :)

Neurotic characters are sort of hit and miss with me. Sometimes they come across whiny and rambly and they drive me nuts. In truth, Niles was kinda rambly -kinda whiny too -yet... he really worked for me. I found him immensely amusing, and endearing, and even though a fair bit of his thinking had me like 'uh, say what now???', I could sorta, kinda relate to his screwy insecurities. He came across believably real.

Rylan, too, I took to in a 'I don't get what you do, but I like who you are' way. The further in I read, the more I learnt, the fonder I grew of him.

And I did really like them together. All dysfunctional and sweet.

Not an awful lot really happens in this... There's a mini drama with Nile's family, a teeny-tinier drama with Rylan's. Mainly, it stays focused on the two loved-up-crazies-who-don't-know-what-the hell's-going-on as they work to figure out what the hell is going on. It ain't dull in the slightest though. It's a highly enjoyable read

(And even though -yeah, sure -the sexy times took me out of my cosy lil comfort zone somewhat, they were seriously whoa, there! Ohhhmagawd enjoyably well written.

I liked this. Liked it very much indeed.

*Many thanks to the author, Anne O'Gleadra, and GR's New Adult Book Club for gifting me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*