A review by wojoy
Love, Freedom, and Aloneness: The Koan of Relationships by Osho


After having watched Netflix’s Wild Wild Country on Osho’s life in US, it’s hard to be objective in evaluating his teachings and books. Nevertheless I consider “Love, Freedom and Aloneness” as a good book that challenges the normalities (such as freedom-restricting and superficial relationships) defined by the society despite of not helping people. Besides this book triggers good senses; warmness and transforming power of love, healing peace of self-love, great adventure of finding ourselves in our relationships with others, soul or mind expanding feeling of freedom and many more. But above all, this book challenged my view on love, how I approach it in a cliched way as something to be categorized. Once it is titled as love, there becomes many obligations and actions to be taken, all these dealings and bargainings to keep a relationship in its borders, without a touch of a deep, enriching and transforming connection (in spite of my intensions) between two people who love each other.

Two things from this book, I will carry with me are self-love and the equilibrium between aloneness and togetherness, both seem to be key for a fulfilling, vivid and authentic life.