A review by give_me_kidrauhl
Rock Hard by Nalini Singh


TW: both mental and physical abuse (shown in flashbacks), mentions of stalking.
I really liked the book and loved the heroine.
I did think that
SpoilerRichard getting out of prison
was kind of predictable.
My favorite thing is that even after the MCs get together she's not magically "fixed" by the power of love and that the H gets her to see a therapist.

-no virgins
-no cheating
-no separation
-the h pushes the H away a gew times in the beginning, since she's scared of him being physically bigger
-om drama: she tells the H she's dating someone but she's just friends with him
-ow drama: he uses ow to try and get the h jealous (mostly off page, he hasn't been with any of them like the h thinks)
-no epilogue