A review by locolibrarian
Prince Neptune: Poetry and Prose by Cody R. Simpson, Prince Neptune


I was interested to read a book of poems from a person from my age group in modern society. Many of the reviews on here are quite harsh, and I don’t think his poems are terrible by any means. He is a wonderful lyricist, and even has some of his songs lyrics in his book. These are some of his best parts, where he keeps the words soft and lovely. However, there are poems in here that have some crude meanings and some words are used that seem out of place, and I don’t care for those personally.

One review says he doesn’t seem to have any themes in his poems. I disagree. Many of them are love poems or the struggle between earthly pleasures and mental awareness and asceticism.

Here are themes I believe he focuses on:
- dualism
- battle between asceticism and earthly pleasures
- freedom and ecstasy of the mind
- urge to love and explore nature
- romance
- Greek mythology
- ego and false glories
- mental awareness and meditation
- unity of peoples
- government corruption and the failure of society

Personally, I do not agree with some of his beliefs or ideologies, I was intrigued by his style on many poems and prose as well as his use of figurative language.