A review by everlaerian
Red River, Vol. 6 by Chie Shinohara


Anatolia Story vol. 1 - 28

Overall Rating: 2..../10
I re-read from teenager to grown up. Not the best idea...

This may be my third re-read of this series. I am pretty sure I read it twice in the first two years of it's release. I was young, I loved it. It was romantic. But after reading it this year (maybe +15 years later....), I was wrong. I just saw wrong turns, within wrong turns. Maybe as an adult, you see things differently.

If you,ve read a manga or book during your early years and end up reading them much later in life, you may end up like me- loving a series in the past and ruining it as the adult in you laughs for once enjoying them... :(

Do I recommend this:
Image result for nope anime gif
Unless you are under the age of 20 honestly...