A review by jadeshea
Dare to Kiss by S.B. Alexander


Dare to Kiss starts off with Lacey starting a new school in a new town to help get away from the memories of her past. She's going to work hard to get on the baseball team so she can get a scholarship to college. This is a lot harder than she thought with her PTSD coming into effect, and with Kade coming into the picture as well.

But, when Kade and Lacey come together things get better and worse for both of them. They each believe that they've found something worth fighting for, even if Lacey needs a little more convincing, however, there are others out there who wish to see Lacey fail and wills top at nothing to have that happen.

This book has a pretty cool story line, and kept my interest for the most part. I just wish there had been a little bit more to the plot line, at times it felt a little boring.

BUT, the best part about the whole book, and what made me really like it was the awesome alpha hero and a great heroine! These two made the book worth reading, and made it so much better. I'm not sure if I will read more in this series, but this was worth the read just because of the characters.