A review by icelore
The Silver Ships by S.H. Jucha


For some reason I postponed reading this book for a while even though it was sitting my queue - I don't know why I did, but I sure am happy that I got around to reading it. In short, this is an excellent story, and I highly recommend it to anyone who likes space opera scifi!

The character development and progression is what really makes this novel shine. There was a depth and growth seen here that is a rare find in modern scifi writing. As the story progressed, each character matured (even secondary and support characters - color me impressed!) while still holding true to their main attributes. The author did not warp the characters to fit the storyline at all, instead slowing crafting them and sing their actions to drive the plot. The main character, Alex, was exceptionally written, and by the end, he was well shaped in preparation for the second installment of this series.

I also commend the author's choice in world building. It was kept to a minimum due to the way the world and species history was set up (easily understandable compared to our world), and this I believe is what freed up time and effort for developing such wonderful and engaging characters.

I am not a person who gives 5 stars lightly, but this book earned it. I am looking forward with great anticipation to the next book, and hope that the author continues with the fine trends he has started!