A review by cherylanntownsend
The Cleveland Local: A Milan Jacovich Mystery by Les Roberts


I can count the number of books that have made me cry on one hand.. actually, 3 fingers. The Cleveland Local just evened that up. Without giving anything away, let it be said that Roberts has sure delivered a one-two punch with this one, even more so then he normally does. Milan is hired to find the killer of a local lawyer's brother and brings in his normal bevy of intrigue and characters to solve the case. Taking on a few more battle scars of his own solving the case, he is left with one that won't heal anytime soon. His business gets torched, he comes back from a tropical stay with a hideous souvenir and needs a new wardrobe. But maybe, this time, he gets the girl.

Still, I've become too fond of his characters to just close the book without pain. He just writes them too damn real to ignore.