A review by luana420
Ultimate Comics Ultimates: Disassembled by Carmine Di Giandomenico, Joshua Hale Fialkov


Aaah, here's those bellicose Ultimates I remember! I must say I laughed out loud at Monica Chang yelling at Hulk, "You've killed 500 people!! Again! You happy now??!" Pre-MAN OF STEEL book, this one!

Kudos to the artist for making Reed Richards legit gross and fully realizing the stretchy abilities of his body in a way I'd personally never seen (such as splitting half his face to go check a monitor while the other half talks to Tony Stark). Another cool thing they did was make the chest lights on Reed's Herbietron robots light up in such a way that they formed an Ultron face in the dark. Nifty!

Book marks the welcome return of Ben Grimm, too, and thankfully still hooked up with Sue (who is a full-fledged Ultimate now? I like!) in non-related but equally fulfilling careers. Take that Reed, you dumb geek wish fulfillment bunghole! If there's anything I like about the Ultimate U besides Miles Morales, it's the out-and-out vilification of toxic nerd Reed Richards, Sue's independence and the full-on statement that sometimes the jock can be the better person.