A review by kem0514
The Beat of My Heart by Avery Maxwell


The end of Cross My Heart had me so excited to read this book. We had a glimpse into what Trevor and Julia’s story was and to hear about their past was just amazing. Their meeting was fun and hilarious but also sexy. The way they bonded in the time that they had together just proved how meant to be they were even if they didn’t even know it at the time.

I absolutely loved Julia and her craziness. Her rambles were hilarious but in a good way. I loved that Avery wrote such a unique character. Even better was the way that Trevor adored Julia and found her rambling cute. While other men might have found her behaviors weird, Trevor embraced it. I mean aren’t men always complaining they don’t know what women are thinking? Julia just blurts it right out. They such intense sexual chemistry. Julia found her puffin in Trevor. Trevor’s past has not been easy, he lost his mom, he is afraid of his dad, he doesn’t trust that any relationships would work. But then Julia came into his life.

I was pleasantly surprised with how much of the past we got in this story, I had assumed it would mostly be based on them finding their way back to each other but it was perfect the way it was. I was a little confused on this connection Lexi seemed to have with both Loki and Preston but when looking at the books forward, she doesn’t end up with either.