A review by spinstah
Untouchable by Scott O'Connor


This wasn't a happy book, but it was a compelling story and I think it ended well. The story begins about a year after the death of Lucy Darby, and follows the increasingly sad and frightening downward spiral of her husband, Darby, and son, The Kid. There are a couple of different threads of story woven together here, but as everything impacts everything else, it never felt like one of the story lines was being forced or ignored. The characters are interesting, and we see enough from their perspectives that you can understand and sympathize with many of their actions. O'Connor did a great job of writing some tough scenes of mental and physical anguish. If you enjoyed The Road you should give this a try. (And if you have a nook and I know you IRL, this is a Lend Me title and I'm glad to let you borrow it.)